In last Saturday’s performance of “Ride the Cyclone: The Musical” (RTC), the spot-on delivery, singing and exuberant energy from the stage spilled into the auditorium for a raucously enthusiastic party that lasted the entire show.
June 8-11 & 23-25, 2023
Shows presented at
The Carrboro ArtsCenter
300 E Main Street, Carrboro
Director | Melissa Craib Dombrowski |
Music Director | Dr. Joanna Sisk-Purvis |
Ocean O’Connell Rosenberg | Livia McIntyre |
Noel Gruber | Brady Bowman |
Misha Bachinski | Cosmo McCusker |
Ricky Potts | Gabrielle Tessier |
Constance Blackwood | Lily Grey Beede |
Jane Doe | Kayla Petrille |
The Amazing Karnak | Miles Purvis |